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11 Ways to Boost Your Lymphatic System

The lymph (lymphatic) system is a network of thin tubes, vessels, tissues, organs, and main node points. The lymph system is a vital part of the immune system. This system protects the body by clearing out damaged cells, infections, toxins, and cancer. 

Lymph nodes are central filtration points that remove cancerous cells, damaged cells, and infectious organisms. They are packed with mesh-like material that contains B-cells, T-cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages. As the fluid is transported to the nodes, they pass through the mesh-like material and are cleaned via B-cells and T-cells. The nodes are located in the armpits, lungs, groin, knees, neck, chest, and heart.

The Lymphatic System

Problems can arise which prevents the nodes from effectively filtering and clearing out harmful cells and infections. If there is a blockage or a buildup of lymphatic fluid then it might not be able to reach a node for filtration. This could be caused by poor circulation, injury, surgery, scar tissue, or radiation therapy. Another reason could be that infection spread quickly and caused swelling in the nodes which stopped proper filtration. Or possibly the nodes became infected themselves preventing proper flow. Additionally, tumors might block passageways or nodes themselves which will cause the entire system to weaken and not work correctly.

If you do not move your body enough you might have poor circulation and a slow lymphatic system. This will lead to an inability to clean harmful cells. There are a few ways you can ensure that your lymphatic system is flowing and properly filtering harmful cells. 

Ways to Boost The Lymph System:


Maintaining a hydrated body has many benefits beyond the lymphatic system but let’s just focus on that for right now. A lack of water will cause the lymphatic fluid to be denser and move slower through the body. This can lead to blockages and an overall weaker immune system. The lymph system will not be able to quickly address toxins, harmful bacteria or cells resulting in more colds and greater risks or more serious health problems such as cancer.

Regular exercise

Both weight training and cardiovascular exercise benefit the lymph system. When you exercise you expand and contract muscles. This squeezing helps pump the lymph fluid and encourages movement and drainage. It also boosts circulation and stimulates active immune cell response. Those are the cells that attack bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances.

Proper diet

Diets that are high in processed foods, sugar, fried foods, and refined carbohydrates cause a high amount of inflammation in the body. This leads to restricted lymph passageways and blockages. Not only that but a poor diet can also leave you with vitamin deficiencies and dehydration. Both of which contribute to a slow lymphatic system. Always eat fresh foods whenever possible and restrict inflammation-causing foods.

Regular massages

Massaging helps by encouraging movement within the lymph system and push through any small blockages or stagnant fluid buildup. This will reduce fluid retention not only in your body but in your face as well. Puffy under-eyes are not always a sign of fatigue. Sometimes it is a sign that your lymphatic system is slow and you have fluid retention. Remember to massage your face as well as your body.

Vibration and rebound therapies

A simple 2 minutes of bouncing will clear the entire lymphatic system. As you gently bounce up and down will you notice the increased sense of gravity. This gravitational pull actually opens lymph valves and flushes the entire system. A small rebounder works wonder for your system first thing in the morning to get all your systems awake and flowing. If you do not have access to a rebounder or trampoline you can simply bounce up and down while keeping your toes on the ground. Though not nearly as fun, this will work just as well. 

Alternate shower temperatures

When in the shower alternate the temperature from warm to cold to enhance lymph fluid movement. Lymph vessels contract in the cold and relax in the heat. By cycling an expand and contract of the vessels you are stimulating movement and reducing fluid retention and system blockages.

Dry brush

Dry brushing is the method of gently brushing dry skin in long strokes that mimic the flow of lymph fluid. By working with this natural movement you can encourage fluid to flow to the main drainage points, the nodes. This is where filtration occurs and infections, harmful cells, and toxins are addressed.

Infrared sauna

Infrared saunas deeply penetrate tissue and increase the body’s core temperature. This increase in temperature makes the heart beat faster and breathing deeper. It stimulates circulation and triggers the lymphatic system to expel toxins through the skin via sweat.


Deep stretching and deep breathing actually stimulate the circulation system including the lymph system. The practice of both yoga and regular stretching offers a great way to not only get the lymph fluid moving but also destresses and calms the mind. Since stress is also a contributor to lymph health, you are eliminating more than one risk factor by regularly practicing yoga and stretching.

Reduce tight/ restrictive clothing

Consistently wearing tight restrictive clothing including bras and underwear cut off circulation and inhibits the flow of the lymph system. Try wearing clothes that aren’t so tight or limit the number of hours spent in then each day. Also, try to wear breathable fabrics like cotton and hemp so that the skin can breathe and purge impurities and toxins.


Blood flows through the body using a pumping system however there is nothing actually pumping lymph fluid. It has to rely on muscle movement and stimulation. Lymph fluid travels in a circular motion and has to travel upward against gravity which can be challenging if the system is not completely healthy. To assist with this you can use inversion to flush fluid through the body faster. Handstands, headstands or even an inversion table are all amazing ways to give your lymph system a boost.

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